воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

departamento administrativo de seguridad de colombia


Tonight at Loft 24 Studio (Las Vegas) is an open call for *female* models (sorry guys) for a special post-birthday photoshoot for Richard Rasner, aka Unique Nudes.

This is your chance to work with models that you may not have otherwise gotten a chance to, as many are in visiting from other locations for last nightapos;s party.

All sizes and ages (over 18) are welcome. This shoot will be similar in nature to Richardapos;s award winning "Diversity" series but smaller in size. Also a very special classic photo image is going to be attempted to be reproduced should enough models show up.

Be there

8:00pm TONIGHT - Sunday October 19th.
Nakayama Studios @ Loft 24
4080 E. Post Road, Las Vegas, NV

NOTE: This is a fully nude shoot; TFCD comp.
departamento administrativo de seguridad de colombia, departamento administrativo del medio ambiente, departamento administrativo nacional de estadistica.

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