вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.

appliance westerly

I am up very early this morning because there is some stuff that I seriously need to finish. Hot chocolate sounds very necessary right now, I may just have to get some on my way to class I am listening to the singer Adele; she is definitly one of my favorite artists with such a unique sounding voice. I have to finish working on my art work for my concentration in AP and I am having some problems painting cupcakes. To my surprise, cupcakes are really very awkward to make. Food is my theme in art and I am really happy I chose that because it is really fun to do but when I am really hungry it can be a bit of a problem
appliance westerly, appliance westar, appliance west palm beach, appliance websites.

воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

departamento administrativo de seguridad de colombia


Tonight at Loft 24 Studio (Las Vegas) is an open call for *female* models (sorry guys) for a special post-birthday photoshoot for Richard Rasner, aka Unique Nudes.

This is your chance to work with models that you may not have otherwise gotten a chance to, as many are in visiting from other locations for last nightapos;s party.

All sizes and ages (over 18) are welcome. This shoot will be similar in nature to Richardapos;s award winning "Diversity" series but smaller in size. Also a very special classic photo image is going to be attempted to be reproduced should enough models show up.

Be there

8:00pm TONIGHT - Sunday October 19th.
Nakayama Studios @ Loft 24
4080 E. Post Road, Las Vegas, NV

NOTE: This is a fully nude shoot; TFCD comp.
departamento administrativo de seguridad de colombia, departamento administrativo del medio ambiente, departamento administrativo nacional de estadistica.

electrical currents in the body

En primer lugar, decir que por fin he encontrado un layout que me gusta. Est� sacado de . Y me encanta hearts;.
Hoy llevo un d�a totalmente aburrido. He esado apos;estudiandoapos; sociales, tecnolog�a, pasando apuntes... Lo mas importante que he hecho ha sido limpiar la pantalla del ordenador, que ha quedado h�per [i]cool[/i] xD.

Tengo una idea para un fic en la cabeza desde hace �dos semanas? Lo he empezado a escribir en una libreta, pero a�n tengo que pensar como se ir� desarollando antes de colgarlo por i-net. Pero si lo escribo, lo har� en serio. Tengo mono de escritura, hahaha.
Y nada, no creo que salga, tampocotengoconquien. A ver que tal ma�ana en el tuto, aunque me temo que mal �_�. [i]Noquieropensalonoquieropensarlo.[/i]

Dejo esto, que le tengo que cambiar el header xD.
Tengan un buen d�a hearts;

buddha statue wood, electrical currents in the body, electrical cutout, electrical datacom.

суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fox theatrical

I find my time at the animal welfare society is when Iapos;m at my happiest.

Today I saw 1 cat and 5 kittens find their homes, so congratulations to Moochie, Rose, Dahlia, Olivia, Seamus, and Ears. ^^
I took Harper and Ginger for a long walk along the trails in the woods.

If I could get paid for this? Itapos;d be the best job in the world.

I took in a cat and her 3 kittens the other day -- 3 week old babies. I named the mother Maia, and the kittens are Hazel, Papi, and Jacoby. Soon I have a whole red sox kitten team.

Speaking of, I spent a good few minutes today speaking with very old men about the game last night, and bemoaning any Fenway Faithful who werenapos;t faithful enough to stay up and watch the most glorious 3 innings ever.
fox theatrical, fox theatricals, fox theme music, fox theoc.com.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

free matlab software download

"When every thought becomes excessively painful, action is the finest remedy."

--Salman Rushdie

I havenapos;t even made it through 48 hours. I keep fighting with myself; slapping my own hand away from picking up my cell phone to make that call. I have even typed out text messages only to tell myself, "Lizzy? Donapos;t."

I have been told by friends that a man who speaks to me like this is only a waste of my time. So then why donapos;t I feel that way?

I was asked last night why I would want to be with someone who doesnapos;t want me to even speak to them anymore. And my answer was: "I donapos;t know. I just DO."

I think I went into this Tuesday afternoon by attempting to express my frustration over certain things. I was expecting a different reaction.

I suppose I was expecting something like reassurance, something like big arms wrapped around me, something like strong words telling me that it didnapos;t matter what people said or what happened, something like declarations of love. Something like that.

Instead, I was cursed at, dehumanized, and insulted.

Which brings me back to the topic of the day: why on Earth would I want to involve myself with someone who treats me like this?

All I wanted was a conversation. Constructive. Adult. Reasonable.

Maybe I wanted a little reassurance. A little strength.

What should I do? Should I pick up that phone? Should I knock on that door? Or should I just let it play out?

Iapos;m afraid that if I make no action, I will receive none in return.

The Andy Wood Diet is not recommended.

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